
P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education (PCE)

PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund

Established in 1973, the scholarship program is intended to provide one-time need-based grants to women whose education has been interrupted and who find it necessary to return to school to complete a degree or certification that improves their marketable skills for employment to support themselves and/or their families. Applicants must be citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States or Canada.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Gender:
  • Age/Grade Level:
    Must be enrolled in a degree program or non-collegiate commercial or technical program, or vocational program at a college or university
  • Financial Need:
  • Residence:
    Must be a legal permanent resident (or citizen) of the United States or Canada
  • Citizenship:
    Must be a citizen (or legal permanent resident) of the United States or Canada
  • College:
    Must be enrolled in a degree program or non-collegiate commercial or technical program, or vocational program at a college or university
  • Miscellaneous:
    Has had at least 24 consecutive months as a non-student sometime in her adult life; Applicant must be living and studying in the United States or Canada for the entire course of study

Application Details

  • Transcript:
    Not required
  • Resume/Activity List:
    Not required

Contact Information

  • Phone: (515) 255-3153