
The Emily K. Rand (now instrumental) Scholarship Fund

Portland Rossini Club

The Emily K. Rand (now instrumental) Scholarship Fund is awarded to student residents of the State of Maine. Applicants must perform at least two contrasting musical periods for a total of ten to fifteen minutes.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Who is over seventeen years old and who is planning further study
  • Financial Need:
    Not Mentioned
  • Residence:
    Any resident of Maine
  • College:
    An accredited music school, college or university
  • Major/Career:
    Applicants must be above the age of 17 and be registered as music majors in the fall of 2016 at any accredited music school, college, or university.
  • Miscellaneous:
    Applicants will perform selections from at least two contrasting musical periods for a total of ten to fifteen minutes. Vocalists must perform entirely by memory; pianists and instrumentalists must perform at least one selection from memory. Applicants are expected to provide an original copy of the music to the judges.Applicants in each competition must perform at least two compositions representing two different periods as follows: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and/or 20th/21st Century.

Application Details

  • Transcript:
    Not required
  • Resume/Activity List:
    Not required
  • Other Materials:
    Applicants must provide their own accompanists. Vocalists must perform entirely from memory; Pianists and Instrumentalists must perform at least one selection from memory.

Contact Information