
Minority Student Scholarship

American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation

Sponsored by ASHFoundation, the scholarship is available to racial/ethnic minority students who are U.S. citizens and who are accepted for graduate study in audiology or speech-language pathology.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Undergraduate seniors or students who are currently pursuing master's or doctoral degrees
  • Financial Need:
    Not Mentioned
  • Other Academic Requirements:
    Must be enrolled in full-time study for the full academic year
  • Citizenship:
    Must be U.S. citizen
  • Major/Career:
    Must be enrolled, accepted or will pursue graduate study in audiology or speech-language pathology program
  • Ethnicity:
    Must be members of a racial or ethnic minority group such as American Indian, Asian, African American, and Hispanic
  • Miscellaneous:
    Master's programs in speech-language pathology or clinical doctoral programs in audiology must be accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA); Must not have received a prior scholarship from the ASHFoundation

Application Details

  • Transcript:
  • Resume/Activity List:
    Not required
  • Essay:
    Applicants must prepare an essay (PDF file, limit 5 pages, 12-point font, single-spaced)) responding to the succeeding questions. Include this essay question as a header for the essay response. Peter Drucker, the late great thought leader who influenced leadership and management practices worldwide, observed, "I never predict. I simply look out the window and see what is visible but not yet seen." As a future professional who will serve the many individuals with communication disorders, look out your window and reflect on today's ever-changing global landscape. It's all out there, the next decade that is yet to be defined. What will define the next decade for successful leadership in the discipline of human communication sciences and disorders? Use your creativity to discuss this perspective. Library and professional references may be used to support your opinions and innovative ideas.
  • Recommendation Letters:
    Three confidential letters of recommendation must be submitted on behalf of the applicant. Of the three letters, at least one letter must be from the applicant's current program. Two letters can be from other references familiar with the applicant's academic history and potential such as the faculty at the student's past college or university program, for persons just completing undergraduate work; or colleagues (at least one supervisor) at the applicant's current place of employment, for persons returning to school after being in the workforce.
  • Other Materials:
    Student Information Form; Letter of application (PDF file, limit 2 pages, 12-point font, single-spaced) addressed to the Scholarship Review Committee wherein the applicant should describe his/her goals after completing his/her academic program. Explain why these goals have been chosen; For applicants who will begin their graduate studies in the fall of 2016, include a copy of the graduate school acceptance letter. For applicants who have completed one or more semesters or quarters in their graduate program, include a statement of good standing from the department for the 20152016 academic year.

Contact Information