
Oklahoma Youth with Promise

Oklahoma City Community Foundation

The scholarship was established to provide financial support to students who graduated from Oklahoma high school while being in the DHS custody foster care.

Key Information

Eligibility Requirements

  • Age/Grade Level:
    Limited to age of 25 or under at the time of application or high school graduates
  • Minimum GPA:
  • Financial Need:
    Not Mentioned
  • Other Academic Requirements:
    Have obtained a GED
  • School:
    Graduate of an Oklahoma high school
  • Miscellaneous:
    Must have been in the Oklahoma DHS custody foster care system, or have aged out, at the time of graduation from high school or at the time of obtaining a GED

Application Details

  • Transcript:
    Not required
  • Resume/Activity List:
    Not required
  • Essay:
    To be considered for an additional scholarship, please respond to the following prompt: In your own words, discuss your career goals (250 words or less).
  • Recommendation Letters:
    Submit the name and email address of a person--school counselor, teacher or community leader--who can submit a letter of reference on your behalf; Please provide the name and email address of a Child Welfare Social Worker or Licensed Residential Facility Worker who can submit a recommendation on your behalf.

Contact Information